Tuesday, December 06, 2005


SHE came into our life with a vengeance. SHE was after my husband and, SHE took him..I had never heard of her.. I didn't like her the first time I heard her name. Her's was the first name I had felt threatened by in my entire marriage..SHE moved very quickly into our lives. Came and claimed what SHE wanted and then, moved on..8 months after first hearing her name...SHE took him from me...SHE waited and plotted those 8 mos. SHE had decided to cause him pain he had never experienced before and although I didn't feel the physical part of it, I FELT IT..SHE let Michael go through a 16 hour surgery but we were told before going in that she was in his brain and, SHE would probably take him then but,SHE didn't...SHE wasn't done with him yet..SHE let him stay with me for the sweetest 8 mos. of my life and my marriage..We don't know how long she had been with him, hiding there, growing, doing what SHE does to people just trying to live this life..When the cyst in Michael's ear started bothering him after all the years being there AND after all the years of my bitching, telling him he needed to go to the Dr. and have it looked at...Only to be told, "I'll have it looked at IF it bothers me".I personally called an Ear Nose and Throat Specialist and made him an appointment.Since her taking him from me I live daily wishing I had done it years before..Once seeing the Dr. and having the biopsy, SHE wreaked her havoc on our lives..We were sent to a Specialist in Gainsville Florida being told by Dr. here, "This is beyond our expertise." In between the time that we made the Dr.'s visit and were sent to Gainsville, This thing grew like a boulder on his face, causing Michael a great deal of pain..It was full of cancer and infection. He couldn't lay down so slept in the recliner..Well, if you want to call that sleeping...He was in a great deal of pain..Michael was a COWBOY and so was I or, that is the term we used over the years to describe our toughness..I was amazed at the strength Michael showed through this... When he could no longer stand the pain of this thing growing so rapidly he went into the bathroom with a razor blade and lanced it... It burst out some of the most horrible things I have ever seen in my life but, it caused him some relief...The pressure of that thing was gone but, he had to do this two more times before we were scheduled for surgery...Long story shortened, Michael had to have nine teeth pulled quickly because radiation would kill them and the area would not heal...His face had paulsyed and he could no longer shut his left eye..During surgery they placed a gold weight in his eyelid to help with that..As mentioned before, we were told the day before Michael had surgery that they believed SHE was in his brain...That is what I faced JUST BEFORE they wheeled him into the operating room..Think about someone you love going into an operating room, just being told that the cancer was in their brain but, Dr's would go in, do all they can and while they're in there they will put a gold weight in the eyelid...Originally the surgery was only scheduled for 8-10 hours but that stretched into 16...Although praying wasn't new to me, I found the chapel at Shands and a pastor spent a good deal of time with me...I was hyper ventalating, lack of sleep etc...Truth is, I don't even remember walking to the chapel..After the longest 16 hours of my life, one of the assisting Dr's we had come to know well came into the waiting room...He asked to speak to me...My heart pounded out of my chest...I had never known this fear...He sat down beside me and proceded to tell me that they were EXTREMELY happy with their progress...They had cut, tied, burned and yanked out any sign of 'HER' they could find...With all the infection Michael lost the bottom of his ear... Didn't matter anyhow because they had sewed the canal shut, never to be opened again... All the reports being said and done and sounding favorable that they had gotten rid of, 'HER' the Dr. then layed the next bomb on me...He had been stuck by a needle while sewing the weight in Michael's eye and needed permission to run an Aides test...Of course he had my permission!Well, Michael didn't have aides but he sure had Hepatitis C, SOMEHOW..On top of facing seven weeks twice a day radiation treatments we were now having to find a Dr. specializing in this area that we knew nothing about..We did that after radiation was over and done..I will post about that at a later date..Michael and I were finally home bound!! We went back to living our life as close to normal as possible... More about that later also...One Sunday Michael didn't feel much like going to Sunday school so I had asked my oldest daughters boyfriend to pick him up when he was on his way to our church...I went ahead with my sister-in-law..When Michael arrived he was more tired than usual and I noticed a small red inflamed area in front of what was left of his ear...I knew 'SHE' was back...We had an appointment in Gainesville the following Wed... I called Dr. got Dr. on call...Explained briefly, FRANTICALLY what was happening to Michael and what had happened allready...This on call Dr. said he would phone in a prescription of antibiotics...I said, "FUCK ANTIBIOTICS, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I HAVE JUST TOLD YOU"!!!I drove from that church past our street...Michael said, " where are you gong"?? I said, " we are going to the hospital"... He said, "NO, I have the appointment in Gainesville on Wednesday"... I kept driving...Gave them Michael's history at the hospital and they kept him...I don't think he's ever been so mad at me...It wasn't long before they came to tell me what I allready knew...SHE was back and, SHE came to claim my husband...We made that trip on Wednesday to Gainesville where we were going to discuss some re-constructive surgery for Michael ... We were told there would be no re-construction...Michael was terminal...SHE took my sweet Michael from me 10/27/2000...When Michael died part of me died with him...PLEASE, PLEASE to anyone who reads this, if you have something growing that you know shouldn't be or if you have something somewhere that you know shouldn't be there, have it looked at...We were told if we had only came 6 mos. sooner they think my story might be different...Your story can have a much happier ending...


Blogger Granny said...

I felt like this is a more appropriate place to put this particular post so I moved it...I found I couldn't copy and paste to the left as the comments are normally posted so I am going to do it here...

susan said...
How do you live without your everything?
I'm pissed at him for you, for leaving you, for not seeing a doctor sooner.

9:17 AM EST

Lilly said...
sad sad sad story granny.
i'm sure michael and kenneth wayne are hanging out talking about us, laughing at our shenanigans online, and making plans on what we all will do when we meet again!

9:21 AM EST

truth said...
Thanks for making that post, Granny. I know there had to be some tears involved while writing.

I have a strange mole on my face that is surrounded by skin that looks whiter. I had planned on putting it off, but now will go get it checked thanks to your letter.


1:29 PM EST

Granny said...
Thanks Susan...
I was pissed too but it started with his alcoholic parents that didn't take him to the Dr. cause it might dip into their beer money...
See, Michael had that cyst in his ear as a child too...

When I got done being pissed at his parents, I was pissed at him...Pissed that he had insurance ever since we came to Florida and he didn't have it looked at but...here's the kicker... I was so fucking mad at myself...I could have called a Dr. set an appointment, told Michael what day and what time it was, where it was located and that woulda been that...Instead I did NOTHING...

2:05 PM EST

Granny said...

2:06 PM EST
truth said...
I definitely will. I know the life of what if's and I shoulda's.

You can't ever go back and hit the undo button.

The fact that you did your best to support Michael in what were terrible times show just how much you loved him.

What a day of rejoicing it will be when you meet again.

3:49 PM EST

Granny said...
Many many tears have been shed in the last five years but, I'm getting better...My life will NEVER be the same without Michael in it but I will one day see him again... I'm so glad your going to have yourself checked out...Don't make Pam's life story compare to mine...

Yeah Lil...
I can see the two of them talking about us...Laughing their asses off...I could make Michael laugh, I tell ya...But, that was twofold...He made me laugh all the time...That's one thing I miss alot..You know first hand how I love to laugh and make others laugh...

7:10 PM EST
Yvonne said...
I am so sorry for Michael's pain and your loss. I do understand the "what if's and should have's". Truth is, we really have no control over the angel of death. Once he decides to tear apart your world, he's going to take the most precious part of that world.

Don't beat yourself up, Granny. Most people don't realize how serious situations are until it is too late. We hate going to doctors and usually don't until we become symptomatic. The damage is extensive by then.

Cherish the time you had, know Michael is no longer in pain and live each day you have as if it's your last. Michael would want you to laugh and be happy. (I type this with tears of sorrow welling in my eyes, sorrow because you are not laughing and living with him by your side. But I believe, with all my heart that Michael loved you enough to want you to experience good times again.)

My thoughts and prayers are with you, Granny. Be good to yourself and stop with the guilt already. You didn't know just as Michael didn't know. And you can't blame yourself for not acting on something you didn't know.

8:43 AM EST

Granny said...
Michael knew ALL about me and my fucked up life...I kept no secrets from Michael...

I had loved before but Michael was the only man I had or, have ever been, IN LOVE with...

I was one independant, hard headed bitch when I met Michael...I didn't know how dependant I was on him until I knew he was dieing and going to leave me...

Three days before Michael died he said to me, " I want you to have someone in your life, I don't want you to be alone". I of course, told him, "DON'T EVER say that to me!!, When you die I want to die too"..

Truth is, I did die when Michael did...Or the better part of me did, I assure you of that..

I ran amuck for a few years. I won't bore you with the sordid details that I am so ashamed of now ...
I will tell you that in the end, I wound up in a homeless shelter for almost a year....That shelter was my stepping stone to getting my life back as I have it now ...
I don't take one day for granted...God made his presence known in my home before and after Michael died and I know, ( WITHOUT A DOUBT!) He has given me the opportunities I have now...
Although I don't go to church anymore I know and am well aware of who to give the credit to for the life I'm living now...

Yvonne, the thing is...I did know that cyst wasn't meant to be there .. I could have done something about making him a Dr.'s appointment... I was as much to blame at dropping the ball as his parents and he were....

1:50 PM EST

steve said...
As Lilly said, life goes on. Michael is looking down, wanting you to forgive yourself and to have a happy life. Make something positive come from this. If someone with a similar problem came along and needed an ear, would you not give it?

Let this make you more compassionate, appreciating that life is for the living.

We don't have the capacity to understand the big picture, but we can alter its course by believing in the greater good and allowing what happens to us to make us better. That is what he would want.

6:16 PM EST

Granny said...
Thanks Steve...
I would give ANYONE an ear and the moral support they might need if going through the same thing Michael and I went through...

Michael made my life, complete...I didn't know how empty my life was until he walked into it...Tall lanky thing with pointed ears..I thought he was so damned cute!!
He had the most awesome personality...He could make me laugh and damnit, he could make me cry but I NEVER stopped loving him... There were a few times that I didn't like him very well but,I never stopped loveing him...
I think the love we shared has ruined me for any other man..
It wouldn't be fair to another man for me to look for another Michael ...There isn't one...

7:01 PM EST

truth said...
You'll never find another Michael.

There's no arguing with that.

But you can't let the pain or happiness from your past ruin your future. (I think I saw that on the OC last Thursday). But it's good advice.

You are still alive so you are showing that you have the strength to overcome. The one thing you have to overcome now is your lack of faith.

I'm not trying to be demeaning. But God does love you and God does wish happiness for his children. You have a lack of faith that you can find true happiness again. All things are possible with God. And, though, no man can be Michael, there are many great men out there who could be searching for someone like you right now.

1:14 PM EST

I hope ya'll don't mind....This is the only way I knew of saving this...I want to keep your comments made to me about my Michael.... I think it's more appropriate here on this site....I want to keep, "Uncanny Granny" a light and fun place to go...xoxoxo

7:49 PM  
Blogger Granny said...

My thoughts are on Michael alot this weekend for some reason so I wanted to re-post this ..

5:54 AM  
Blogger me said...

This was very sad. Granny, you have amazing people in your life that write the most amazing things.
I believe he would want you to be happy and find love again. You obviously have so much love to give. Open your heart to the idea of sharing the next half of your life with another, not Michael but someone else and if you truly want it, it will come.
God Bless.

11:17 PM  
Blogger Rue said...

We teach each other. You taught us by sharing your terrible terrible lesson. I'm sorry for your loss.

6:40 PM  
Blogger Memphis said...

That was an amazing post. I'm sorry it ended the way it did. I fought with my wife for quite some time to have some moles removed and checked. Finally she gave in. None of them were cancerous, but the doctor said it was still good to remove them because they could turn cancerous later.

4:03 PM  
Blogger Granny said...

Thanks for stopping by Steve... I'm sooooooo glad you nagged your wife into doing what should have been done...I'm also glad they weren't cancerous but, you never know ...

Don't take one day of your marriage for granted...Love love love... Love everyday like it's the last day of your life because it just might be...

4:28 PM  

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