Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Sister's Forever..

Sharon...You are my angel...Even tho you are no longer here on this earth with me other than in my thoughts and memories, I never stop thinking of you...
Our sisterly seeds of love are planted in this pot..You went before me to nuture the growth of those seeds..
You don't even need 'Miracle Grow'..
I wonder when you get the time or permission, would you please ask our Father why he doesn't allow me to dream of you...Why he doesn't allow me to have images of you other than in my minds eye...Why have I not heard your voice?? I know you speak to me...Why can't I hear you??
He's allowed me to see and hear Michael many many times..Why not you?? I yearn for just one small conversation...I would settle for hearing you call my name...I don't have to hear you say your ok, I know this..I saw that on your face as I was lying there next to you in that hospital bed when you left this world...Your face was more beautiful than I could possibly imagine it ever would be..So beautiful, not flushed anymore, pain free...Of all the wonderful memories I have of you, this is the one I remember most... I didn't want that nurse to pry your fingers from around mine...I still feel your precious fingers around mine...
I guess if it's decided I can not hear you as I remain on this earth, you will have plenty to say once I join you... Maybe the seeds planted in this pot will grow into a beanstalk and I can climb it, peer in there and just hear your voice...Maybe I will be able to hear you singing...I am sure He has given you a melodic voice of the beautiful angel you are cause, you sure couldn't carry a note, here on earth! Didn't stop you from trying tho...
Nothing stopped you from trying anything...God knows I miss you, my precious sweet sister... No matter where we are (we proved that time and time again growing up)we will be, Sisters Forever....


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